La Tierra del Olvido Chords

Easy tutorial for beginners with some explanations, the tab, the lyrics and the chords to play the latin song La Tierra del Olvido chords by Carlos Vives on guitar.

PDF score of La Tierra del Olvido on guitar

La Tierra del Olvido with chords

Introduction of La Tierra del Olvido with chords

For the introduction of La Tierra del Olvido chords, you need to know the four chords you will need for the whole song :

chords La Tierra del Olvido

When you master those, you can follow the next tab to play introduction with your guitar :

The grid is read from left to right, from top to bottom. Each square represents a measure of 4 beats (one, two, three, four, if you count the rhythm).

If a square is divided in two OR if two, three or four chords appear, you will know that you have to play them in a four beat measure. If you don’t succeed, watch my videos or listen to the music, as it is sung/played at this time and do the same.

guitar la tierra del olvido

Verse 1 of La Tierra del Olvido by Carlos Vives

For the first verse and the second verse of La Tierra del Olvido by Carlos Vives, you don’t have to know any other chords on your guitar. To play, just follow the tab and the lyrics :

We only look at the tab verse 1, as verse 2 is played in the same way

Remember that the chords are written above the lyrics so that you can play them at the right time. Therefore, it’s better to play while singing. Chords that are to the right of a phrase (not above a word) are played between the two phrases.

lyrics La Tierra del Olvido
Tab text
Como la luna que alumbra por la noche los caminos
Bb F G C
Como las hojas al viento, como el sol espanta el frío
Como la tierra a la lluvia, como el mar que espera el río
Bb F G C
Así espero tu regreso a la tierra del olvido

Bridge of La Tierra del Olvido by Carlos Vives

There is a bridge between verses 1 and 2 of La Tierra del Olvido chords. That’s mean we have to take a moment, stop singing and just play the next tab with guitar before starting again with verse 2 :


Chorus with guitar chords

Once you have played the introduction of La Tierra del Olvido and the two verses separated by the bridge of this Carlos Vives song, you can continue and play the chorus with your guitar.

The chords are the same even if they change in form. Just follow the tab :

tab guitar
Tab text
Tú tienes la llave de mi corazón
Yo te quiero

You can play other latin music like the Spanish christmas song sung by Lhasa Los Peces en el Rio.

La Tierra del Olvido lyrics

The song La Tierra del Olvido chords is composed of two verses and a chorus.

The structure of the lyrics is :

Introduction (instrumental) – Verse 1 – Brigde (instrumental) – Verse 2 – Chorus.

Verse 1

Como la luna que alumbra
Por la noche los caminos
Como las hojas al viento,
Como el sol espanta el frío
Como la tierra a la lluvia,
Como el mar que espera el río
Así espero tu regreso
A la tierra del olvido

Verse 2

Como naufragan mis miedos
Si navego en tu mirada
Como alertas mis sentidos
Con tu voz enamorada
Con tu sonrisa de niña
¡Cómo me mueves el alma!
¡Cómo me quitas el sueño!
¡Cómo me robas la calma!


Tú tienes la llave de mi corazón
Yo te quiero
Más que a mi vida porque, sin tu amor
Yo me muero

Find all our lessons and guitar classes on Decibel Score and learn, among other, the guitar notes.

Our score summarizes everything we just covered. You can download it for free to play the latin song La Tierra del Olvido chords by Carlos Vives on guitar.