Bossa Dorado with chords
Introduction of Bossa Dorado on guitar
Here are the chords you will need to know on your guitar to play the introduction of Bossa Dorado chords. Notice that there is a three chord variation from Dm and a descent from G7 to A7.

You can try to play other Gypsy Jazz like the beautiful song For Sephora tab.
Main Part of Bossa Dorado with chords
Here are the new chords (in addition to the first ones) that you will need to know for the main part of Bossa Dorado. Notice that there is another three chord variation of Gm.

When you have this positions ready on your guitar, you can follow the grid below to play the main part :

If you need more simple tabs, you can follow our article about easy guitar song.
Summarizes everything we just covered. You can download it for free to play the Gypsy Jazz music Bossa Dorado chords by the Rosenberg Trio on guitar.