No soy de aqui ni soy de alla with chords
Verse 1 of No Soy de Aqui, Ni Soy de Alla with chords
Here are the chords you will be using in verse 1 of No Soy de Aqui, Ni Soy de Alla chords (and for other verses) :
When you master those positions, you can follow the next tab to play verse 1 on guitar (and, following the lyrics, the other verses) :
Remember that the chords are written above the lyrics so that you can play them at the right time. Therefore, it’s better to play while singing. Chords that are to the right of a phrase (not above a word) are played between the two phrases.
Chorus of No Soy de Aqui Ni Soy de Alla by Facundo Cabral and Jorge Cafrune
In the chorus of No Soy de Aqui, Ni Soy de Alla from Cafrune and Cabral, 5 chords are added. I put only the news that you will have to know on guitar for the chorus (the ones you already know have to be ready) :
When you master this chords, you can follow this tab to play the chorus twice :
If you like, you can play other Argentinean song like Nostalgias, a famous tango.
No Soy de Aqui, Ni Soy de Alla lyrics
The song No Soy de Aqui, Ni Soy de Alla chords is composed of three verses and a chorus.
The structure of the lyrics is simple:
Verse 1 – Verse 2 – Chorus – Verse 3 – Chorus
The are different depending on whether Jorge Cafrune or Facundo Cabral sings them. Here are those of Jorge Cafrune :
Verse 1
Me gusta el sol, Alicia y las palomas
El buen cigarro y las malas señoras
Saltar paredes y abrir las ventanas
Y cuando llora una mujer
Verse 2
Me gusta el vino tanto como las flores
Y el conejo pero no los tractores
El pan casero y la voz de Dolores
Y el mar mojandome los pies
No soy de aquí, ni soy de allá.
No tengo edad, ni porvenir
Y ser feliz es mi color
De identidad
Verse 3
Me gusta estar tirado siempre en la arena
Y en bicicleta perseguir a Manuela
Y todo el tiempo para ver las estrellas
Con la Maria en el trigal
Find all our guitar chords and tab.
No Soy de Aqui, Ni Soy de Alla history
No Soy de Aqui, Ni Soy de Alla chords is a milonga that we are used to hear both by Facundo Cabral and Jorge Cafrune, with slightly different lyrics, without knowing which of the two composed it.
The key to the secret is hidden in Uruguay, where Cafrune and Cabral went in 1968 after leaving their country : Argentina. Here, they say, they took it because they were sad to be so far away from there. They began to sing their nostalgia and composed this great milonga.
No Soy de Aqui, Ni Soy de Alla is a song that rightly speaks to us of the roots, of one’s own customs and of the pleasure, sometimes lost, of childhood. So when you become a stranger, when you leave your home, your town, or your homeland, you always start to remember. And, as the Argentine singer César Isella used to say, to remember in these moments of remoteness, is to face the most important thing we say goodbye to: the simple things.
Thus, this milonga tells us about the love for the simplest things in life and the constitutive force of nostalgia.
Our score summarizes everything we just covered. You can download it for free to play the song No Soy de Aqui, Ni Soy de Alla chords by Facundo Cabral and Jorge Cafrune on guitar.