Easy tutorial for beginners with some explanations, the tab, the lyrics and the chords to play the zamba Alfonsina y el mar chords by Ariel Ramirez and Félix Luna on the guitar.
PDF score to play Alfonsina y el mar on guitar
Alfonsina y el mar with chords
Verse 1 of Alfonsina y el mar for guitar
The first part has several chords but they are almost all the ones you will find in the song Alfonsina y el mar chords. So a first effort with your guitar and you are almost done :

When you have these chords ready, you can follow the tab to play the first part starting by “Por la blanda arena que lame el mar…” :
Remember that the chords are written above the lyrics so that you can play them at the right time. Therefore, it’s better to play while singing. Chords that are to the right of a phrase (not above a word) are played between the two phrases.

And, then, keep on playing with the help of the lyrics for the other parts of the song which are played in the same way.
Chorus of Alfonsina y el mar with chords
In the refrain of Alfonsina y el mar only 2 chords are added. I put only the new chords that you will have to know with your guitar for play the chorus (the ones you already know, you have to be smart):

Then, you can play by following this tab starting by “Te vas Alfonsina con tu soledad…” :

If you want to play other tango tab, you can try to play the tab of Desencuentro or the famous one Volver.
Alfonsina y el mar lyrics
The song Alfonsina y el mar chords is composed of two parts and the chorus.
The structure of the lyrics is simple:
Part 1 – Chorus – Part 2 – Chorus
Part 1
Por la blanda arena que lame el mar
Su pequeña huella no vuelve más
Un sendero solo de pena y silencio llegó
Hasta el agua profunda
Un sendero solo de penas mudas llegó
Hasta la espuma
Sabe Dios qué angustia te acompañó
Qué dolores viejos calló tu voz
Para recostarte arrullada en el canto de las
caracolas marinas
La canción que canta en el fondo oscuro del mar
La caracola
Te vas Alfonsina con tu soledad
¿Qué poemas nuevos fuiste a buscar?
Una voz antigua de viento y de sal
Te requiebra el alma y la está llevando
Y te vas hacia allá como en sueños
Dormida, Alfonsina, vestida de mar
Part 2
Cinco sirenitas te llevarán
Por caminos de algas y de coral
Y fosforescentes caballos marinos harán
Una ronda a tu lado
Y los habitantes del agua van a jugar
Pronto a tu lado
Bájame la lámpara un poco más
Déjame que duerma nodriza, en paz
Y si llama él no le digas que estoy
Dile que Alfonsina no vuelve
Y si llama él no le digas nunca que estoy
Di que me he ido
Te vas Alfonsina con tu soledad
¿Qué poemas nuevos fuiste a buscar?
Una voz antigua de viento y de sal
Te requiebra el alma y la está llevando
Y te vas hacia allá como en sueños
Dormida, Alfonsina, vestida de mar
Alfonsina y el mar history
Alfonsina y el mar chords is a zamba composed in Argentina by the musician Ariel Ramirez and the poet Felix Luna, sung for the first time in 1969 by the great Mercedes Sosa in her album Mujeres Argentinas.
Famous, this zamba tells us in a romantic way the suicide of the Argentine writer and poet Alfonsina Storni in 1938.
A master figure of modernism at the beginning of the 20th century in Argentina, Alfonsina Storni, an avant-garde artist, was a complex and, it seems, unfortunate person. Enduring the stares of a time when one could not choose her gender sensibilities, mental and physical health problems, she ended up disappearing in the Mar de Plata.
With Alfonsina y el mar, Ramirez and Luna, faced with this loss, wrote one of the most beautiful hymns to despair and death. Then, henceforth and forever, Alfonsina enters the sea and ends a “path of sorrow and silence, lulled to sleep by the song of the sea shells”.
This poem, famous, was sung by many in different styles. Mercedes Sosa started singing this zamba and Diego El Cigala and El Pelé (flamenco style), Andrés Calamaro (rock), Avishai Cohen and Michel Camilo (jazz), among others.
To learn more about Tango, you can read our article about the History of Tango
Our score summarizes everything we just covered. You can download it for free to play the zamba Alfonsina y el mar chords by Ramirez y Luna on guitar.