Proud Mary Chords

Easy tutorial for beginners with some explanations, the tab, the lyrics and the chords to play the latin song Proud Mary chords from Creedence Clearwater Revival on guitar.

PDF score of Proud Mary on guitar

Proud Mary with chords

Chords of Proud Mary

Here are the four chords you will need to know for Proud Mary chords :

proud mary chords

When these positions are known and mastered you can look at the following tabs to play the music with your guitar.

Verse 1 | Proud Mary by Creedence Clearwater Revival

To play the verse 1 of Proud Mary by Creedence Clearwater Revival – as well as all the verses – you will have to remember the previous chords and read the following tab :

Remember that the chords are written above the lyrics so that you can play them at the right time. Therefore, it’s better to play while singing. Chords that are to the right of a phrase (not above a word) are played between the two phrases.

proud mary lyrics
Tab text
I left a good job in the city
Working for the man every night and day
And I never lost one minute of sleeping
I was worrying ’bout the way the things might’ve been

Play other songs and rock musics on guitar.

Chorus | Proud Mary with guitar chords

To play the chorus of Proud Mary chords, you will need to use the other three chords. The rhythm does not change on guitar. You can continue with the following tab :

proud mary guitar
Tab text
Big wheel keep on turning
Bm G
Proud Mary keep on burning
And we’re rolling, rolling
Rolling on the river

Instrumental Bridge | Chords of Creedence Clearwater Revival

To play the instrumental bridge Proud Mary between the second chorus and verse 3, you don’t need to know any new chords or rhythmic patterns on your guitar. Just continue as you have been doing from the beginning, following the tab :

The grid is read from left to right, from top to bottom. Each square represents a measure of 4 beats (one, two, three, four, if you count the rhythm).

If a square is divided in two OR if two, three or four chords appear, you will know that you have to play them in a four beat measure. If you don’t succeed, watch my videos or listen to the music, as it is sung/played at this time and do the same.

proud Mary score

Improvise learning our pentatonic scale patterns for guitar.

Proud Mary lyrics

The song Proud Mary chords by Creedence Clearwater Revival is composed of five verses and a chorus.

The lyrics are :

Verse 1

I left a good job in the city
Working for the man every night and day
And I never lost one minute of sleeping
I was worrying ’bout the way the things might’ve been


Big wheel keep on turning
Proud Mary keep on burning
And we’re rolling, rolling
Rolling on the river

Verse 2

Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis
Pumped a lot of tane down in New Orleans
But I never saw the good side of the city
Until I hitched a ride on a riverboat queen


Instrumental Bridge

Verse 3

Oh I left a good job in the city
Working for the man every night and day
And I never lost one minute of sleeping
Worrying about the way the things might’ve been


Verse 4

Oh I cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis
And I pumped a lot of tane down in New Orleans
But I never saw the good side of the city
Until I hitched a ride on a riverboat queen


Verse 5

If you come down to the river
I bet you gonna find some people who live
And you don’t have to worry if you got no money
People on the river are happy to give


In a reggae/latin style, play the chords Me Llaman Calle by Manu Chao.

Our score summarizes everything we just covered. You can download it for free to play the song Proud Mary chords by Creedence Clearwater Revival on guitar.