Hakuna Matata Chords

Easy tutorial for beginners with some explanations, the tab, the lyrics and chords to play the song Hakuna Matata Chords from The Lion King by Disney on guitar.

PDF score of Hakuna Matata on guitar

Hakuna Matata with chords

Chorus of Hakuna Matata with chords

Hakuna Matata chords that you can hear in The Lion King starts with the chorus. To play it on the guitar, you need to know some chords :

hakuna matata chords

When these chords are ready, you can read the following tab to play the chorus of the Disney music :

Remember that the chords are written above the lyrics so that you can play them at the right time. Therefore, it’s better to play while singing. Chords that are to the right of a phrase (not above a word) are played between the two phrases.

hakuna matata guitar
Tab text
Hakuna Matata!
Bb C
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain’t no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Main part of Hakuna Matata by Disney with tabs and chords

To play the main part of Hakuna Matata by Disney, you will need to know one last chord in addition to the previous ones :

hakuna matata lyrics

When this new position is ready and mastered on guitar, you can go on with the tab and play this Disney chords :

the lion king chords
Tab text
Bb F C
Why, when he was a young warthog
Bb F C
When I was a young wart-hoooog !
Eb F
He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
He could clear the Savannah after every meal
Bb F C
I’m a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned
Eb F C
And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind
And oh, the shame
Thought of changin’ my name
And I got downhearted
Every time that I-
Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids! Oh… sorry

Play an other Disney song like Under the sea Chords from The Little Mermaid.

Hakuna Matata lyrics

The song Hakuna Matata chords in The Lion King form Disney is composed of a chorus and a main part.

The lyrics are simple:


Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain’t no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Main Part

Why, when he was a young warthog
When I was a young wart-hoooog!
He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
He could clear the Savannah after every meal
I’m a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned
And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind
And oh, the shame
Thought of changin’ my name
And I got downhearted
Every time that I-
Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids! Oh… sorry


Find all with tabs and guitar scores on Decibel Score.

Our score summarizes everything we just covered. You can download it for free to play the song Hakuna Matata chords from The Lion King on guitar.