Entre Dos Aguas Chords

Easy tutorial for beginners with some explanations, the tab and the chords to play the Flamenco music Entre Dos Aguas chords from Paco de Lucia on guitar.

Entre Dos Aguas chords

Chords of Entre Dos Aguas

Here are the three chords you will need to master to play the whole song Entre Dos Aguas chords :

entre dos aguas chords

When this positions are ready and mastered on your guitar, you can continue by following the next tabs.

You will be able to play songs in the Latin style like the famous bolero Quizas, Quizas, Quizas on the guitar.

Accompaniment chords of Entre dos Aguas by Paco de Lucia

To play the accompaniment of Entre Dos Aguas on guitar, you can look at the following tab or rather “grid” with the help of the previous chords :

The grid is read from left to right, from top to bottom. Each square represents a measure of 4 beats (one, two, three, four, if you count the rhythm).

If a square is divided in two OR if two, three or four chords appear, you will know that you have to play them in a four beat measure. If you don’t succeed, watch my videos or listen to the music, as it is sung/played at this time and do the same.

entre dos aguas guitar

An important advice I can give you is to prefer the positions of A minor and B minor in barre chord on the 5th and 7th fret with the bass in E string. Indeed, bar chords always sound better when all the strings are sounded.

Bass line of Entre Dos Aguas on guitar

Finally and to finish the part ‘accompaniment’ of the Paco de Lucia music Entre Dos Aguas chords, I give you the tab of the bass line you have to follow on guitar :

entre dos aguas tab

You can play this bass line at the same time as the chords, using only the thumb, but it can also be played by another guitarist.

Entre Dos Aguas guitar riff and tab

When the accompaniment is in place, it will be necessary to move on to the melody of Entre Dos Aguas. When you are ready, you can start reading the following tabs on your guitar :

guitar tab
paco de lucia tab

Find other guitar riff on Decibel Score.

Improvising on Entre dos Aguas

One last thing, and not the least : improvise on Entre Dos Aguas chords by Paco de Lucia. To do this, you can follow the pattern of the flamenco scale on guitar in the key of the piece, i.e. in Am, which I put next. Take a look at our guitar lessons to learn more about scales.

flamenco scale guitar

I hope this guitar tutorial with chords and tab will have helped you to play this nice Flamenco music : the Rumba Entre dos Aguas chords by Paco de Lucia.