Easy tutorial for beginners with some explanations, the tab, the lyrics and the chords to play the song Corazon partio chords by Alejandro Sanz on guitar.
PDF score of Corazon Partio on guitar
Corazon Partio with chords
Verse 1 (and end of verse 2) of Corazon Partio
First verse of Corazon Partio for guitar
Here are the chords you will be using in verse 1 and other verses of Corazon Partio chords :

When you have these ready, you can follow the tab below to play verse 1 :
The guitar plan for verse 1 is also valid for the second and third verses.
Remember that the chords are written above the lyrics so that you can play them at the right time. Therefore, it’s better to play while singing. Chords that are to the right of a phrase (not above a word) are played between the two phrases.

End of second verse of Corazon Partio with chords
As I said, the second verse is played on guitar in the same way as the first verse. But the two chords that you find at the end of the first verse (the Gm and the C9) and that serve as a transition between the first and the second, are not played at the end of the second verse.
So before starting to play refrain of Corazon Partio you have to stop on D7 :

Chorus of Corazon Partio with chords
For chorus of Corazon Partio chords from Alejandro Sanz music, you don’t need to know any new chords.
You can continue and play by following this tab :

You can play other latin music tab like the famous song of Jarabe de Palo Flaca.
Corazon partio lyrics
The song Corazon Partio chords by Alejandro Sanz is composed of three verses and the chorus.
The structure of the lyrics is simple:
Verse 1 – Verse 2 – Chorus – Verse 3 – Chorus
Verse 1
Ya lo ves, que no hay dos sin tres
Que la vida va y viene y que no se detiene
Y, qué sé yo
Pero miénteme, aunque sea dime que algo queda entre nosotros dos
Que en tu habitación nunca sale el sol
Ni existe el tiempo ni el dolor
Llévame si quieres a perder
A ningún destino, sin ningún por qué
Verse 2
Ya lo sé, que corazón que no ve
Es corazón que no siente
O corazón que te miente amor
Pero, sabes que en lo más profundo de mi alma
Sigue aquel dolor por creer en ti
¿Qué fue de la ilusión y de lo bello que es vivir?
Para qué me curaste cuando estaba herido
Si hoy me dejas de nuevo el corazón partió
¿Y quién me va a entregar sus emociones?
¿Quién me va a pedir que nunca le abandone?
¿Quién me tapará esta noche si hace frío?
¿Quién me va a curar el corazón partió?
¿Quién llenará de primaveras este enero
Y bajará la luna para que juguemos?
Dime, si tú te vas, dime cariño mío
¿Quién me va a curar el corazón partió?
Verse 3
Dar solamente aquello que te sobra
Nunca fue compartir, sino dar limosna, amor
Si no lo sabes tú, te lo digo yo
Después de la tormenta siempre llega la calma
Pero, sé que después de ti
Después de ti no hay nada
Para qué me curaste cuando estaba herido
Si hoy me dejas de nuevo con el corazón partió
You can try to improvise with our classes about Flamenco Scale.
History of Corazon Partio by Alejandro Sanz
The song Corazon Partio chords was written in 1997 by the Latin singer Alejandro Sanz. The love song, which quickly became an international hit, is about a break-up between two people and the emotions that accompany it.
Alejandro Sanz writes and sings Corazon Partio in the first person, which gives the song a great sensitivity. He describes this breakup and the resulting heartbreak. Well, if you go away and leave me alone, if you’re gone, “quién me va a entregar sus emociones” (“who’s going to give me their emotions”) ?
The Latin-influenced melody draws heavily from flamenco. Niña Pastori’s version of the song just assures us of this inheritance.
Summarizes everything we just covered. You can download it for free to play the song Corazon partio chords by Alejandro Sanz on guitar.