Se nos rompio el amor Chords

Easy tutorial for beginners with some explanations, the tab, the lyrics and the chords to play the song Se nos rompio el amor chords by David Bisbal and Rocio Jurado on guitar.

PDF score of Se Nos Rompio el Amor on guitar

Se nos rompio el amor with chords

Verse 1 of Se nos rompio el amor with chords

To play the verse 1 of Se nos rompio el amor chords, you will have to know and master few first chords :

chords se nos rompio el amor

When these ones are ready on guitar, you can follow the next tab to play the first verse :

Remember that the chords are written above the lyrics so that you can play them at the right time. Therefore, it’s better to play while singing. Chords that are to the right of a phrase (not above a word) are played between the two phrases.

lyrics se nos rompio el amor
Tab text
Am9 E(b9) Am9 E(b9)
Se nos rompió el amor
De tanto usarlo
De tanto loco abrazo
Sin medidas
F E(b9)
De darnos por completo
A cada paso
Se nos quedo en las manos
Un buen dia

Then, with the help of the lyrics, you can play the verse 2 in the same way.

Verse 3 of Se nos rompio el amor on guitar

For verse 3 of Se nos rompio el amor, you have to know two last chords :

chords guitar

When those new positions and the previous ones are mastered on your guitar, you can play the verse 3 following the tab :

tab se nos rompio el amor
Tab text
Am9 A7
Me alimenté de ti
Por mucho tiempo
Nos devoramos vivos
Como fieras
F E(b9) Am9
Jamas pensamos nunca en el invierno
Pero el invierno llega
Aunque no quiera

End of verse 4 Se nos rompio el amor with tab and chords

Verse 4 of Se nos rompio el amor chords is played in the same way as verse 3. Only the chords of the last two phrases that end the song change :

guitar tab
Tab text
F E(b9)
Se nos rompió el amor
De tanto usarlo

If you like this kind of music, you can play Si yo fuera Maradona and try to improvise with the flamenco scale.

Se nos rompio el amor lyrics

The song Se nos rompio el amor chords by David Bisbal and Rocio Jurado is composed of four verses.

The structure of the lyrics is simple:

Verse 1 – Verse 2 – Verse 3 – Verse 4

Verse 1

Se nos rompió el amor
De tanto usarlo
De tanto loco abrazo
Sin medidas
De darnos por completo
A cada paso
Se nos quedo en las manos
Un buen dia

Verse 2

Se nos rompió el amor
De tan grandioso
Jamas pudo existir
Tanta belleza
Las cosas tan hermosas
Duran poco
Jamas duró una flor
Dos primaveras

Verse 3

Me alimenté de ti
Por mucho tiempo
Nos devoramos vivos
Como fieras
Jamas pensamos nunca en el invierno
Pero el invierno llega
Aunque no quiera

Verse 4

Y una mañana gris
Al abrazarnos
Sentimos un crujido
Frio y seco
Cerramos nuestros ojos y pensamos
Se nos rompió el amor
De tanto usarlo

Find other flamenco tab watching for all our chords and guitar tab.

Our score summarizes everything we just covered. You can download it for free to play the song Se Nos Rompio el Amor chords by Rocio Jurado and David Bisbal on guitar.