Sabor a mi Chords

Easy tutorial for beginners with some explanations, the tab, the lyrics and the chords to play the song Sabor a mi chords from Alvaro Carillo by Los Panchos on guitar.

PDF score to play Sabor a mi on guitar

Sabor a mi with chords

Verse 1 | Sabor a mi with tab and chords

To play the verse 1 of Sabor a mi chords, you will have to know few first chords on guitar :

chords sabor a mi

When you master those chords, you can follow the next tab to play the first verse of this Los Panchos bolero :

Remember that the chords are written above the lyrics so that you can play them at the right time. Therefore, it’s better to play while singing. Chords that are to the right of a phrase (not above a word) are played between the two phrases.

Tab text
Tanto tiempo disfrutamos de este amor
Bb7 CM7
Nuestras almas se acercaron, tanto así
F#° F
Que yo guardo tu sabor
Pero tú llevas también
Sabor a mí

For verse 2, as well as for verse 3, you will just have to play the same way by following the lyrics.

Chorus | Sabor a mi by Los Panchos

To play the chorus of this bolero from Los Panchos, you need to know any three other chords :

Chords guitar

When these positions and the previous ones are ready on your guitar, you can continue to play the chorus following the next tab of Sabor a mi :

Tab text
Gm7 C7
No pretendo ser tu dueño
No soy nada, yo no tengo vanidad
De mi vida doy lo bueno
Soy tan pobre, ¿qué otra cosa puedo dar?

Play other latin guitar song like the music of Kevin Kaarl San Lucas.

Sabor a mi lyrics

The lyrics of the song Sabor a mi chords by Los Panchos are composed of three verses and a chorus.

The structure of the lyrics is simple:

Verse 1 – Verse 2 – Chorus – Verse 3 – Chorus

Verse 1

Tanto tiempo disfrutamos de este amor
Nuestras almas se acercaron, tanto así
Que yo guardo tu sabor
Pero tú llevas también
Sabor a mí

Verse 2

Si negaras mi presencia en tu vivir
Bastaría con abrazarte y conversar
Tanta vida yo te di
Que por fuerza tienes ya
Sabor a mí


No pretendo ser tu dueño
No soy nada, yo no tengo vanidad
De mi vida doy lo bueno
Soy tan pobre, ¿qué otra cosa puedo dar?

Verse 3

Pasarán más de mil años, muchos más
Yo no sé si tenga amor la eternidad
Pero allá, tal como aquí
En la boca llevarás
Sabor a mí


Before playing, don’t forget to tune your guitar with our guitar tuner.

Our score summarizes everything we just covered. You can download it for free to play the bolero song Sabor a mi chords by Los Panchos on guitar.