Everybody wants to be a cat with chords
Verse 1 of Everybody wants to be a cat from Disney
Here are the chords you will be using in verse 1 and other verses to play Everybody wants to be a cat chords on guitar :

When you master those, you can follow the next tab to play verse 1 and, following the lyrics, other verses of this Disney tab with chords :
Remember that the chords are written above the lyrics so that you can play them at the right time. Therefore, it’s better to play while singing. Chords that are to the right of a phrase (not above a word) are played between the two phrases.

Chorus of Everybody wants to be a cat from The Aristocats with chords
For the chorus of The Aristocats song from Disney, you need to know any new chords :

Then, you can continue by following this tab to play the chorus of Everybody wants to be a cat :

You can also find any Disney tab like the song of The Jungle Book I Wan’na Be Like You.
Everybody wants to be a cat Disney lyrics
The jazz song Everybody wants to be a cat chords by Disney | The Aristocats is composed of three verses and a chorus.
The structure of the lyrics is simple:
Verse 1 – Chorus – Verse 2 – Chorus – Verse 3
Verse 1
Everybody wants to be a cat,
Because a cat’s the only cat
who knows where it’s at
Everybody’s pickin’ up on that feline beat,
‘Cause everything else is obsolete
Now a square with a horn,
Can make you wish
You weren’t born,
Ever’time he plays;
And with a square in the act,
He can set music back
To the caveman days
Verse 2
I’ve heard some corny birds who tried to sing,
But a cat’s the only cat
Who knows how to swing.
Who wants to diga long-haired gigor stuff like that?
When everybody wants to be a cat
A square with that horn,
Makes you wish you weren’t born,
Ever’time he plays;
And with a square in the act,
He’s gonna set this music back
to the Stone Age days
Verse 3
Everybody wants to be a cat,
Because a cat’s the only cat
who knows where it’s at;
While playin’ jazz you always has a Welcome mat,
‘Cause everybody digs a swingin’ cat
You can watch for our Jazz guitar tabs and chords to play on Decibel Score.
Our score summarizes everything we just covered. You can download it for free to play the Disney song Everybody wants to be a cat chords from The Aristocats on guitar.