Chan Chan with chords
Chords of Chan Chan
Here are the four chords you need to know to play the Buenavista Social Club song Chan Chan chords :

When this positions are ready, you can follow the tabs to play this music.
Chorus of Chan Chan with guitar
Chan Chan start by the chorus. To play it, you need to know the previous chords and follow the next tab by three time on guitar :
Remember that the chords are written above the lyrics so that you can play them at the right time. Therefore, it’s better to play while singing. Chords that are to the right of a phrase (not above a word) are played between the two phrases.

Verse 1 of Chan Chan on guitar with chords
To play the verse of Chan Chan chords, you don’t have to know any other chords. Just follow :

The other verses are played in the same way.
If you want, you can go on and play other famous latin music like Guantanamera. Find also all our guitar chords.
Chan Chan lyrics
The song Chan Chan chords by Buenavista Social Club is composed of three verses and a chorus.
The structure of the lyrics is simple :
Chorus – Verse 1 – Verse 2 – Verse 3 – Chorus
De Alto Cedro voy para Marcané
Llego a Cueto, voy para Mayarí
Verse 1
El cariño que te tengo
No te lo puedo negar
Se me sale la babita
Yo no lo puedo evitar
Verse 2
Cuando Juanica y Chan Chan
En el mar cernían arena
Como sacudía el jibe
A Chan Chan le daba pena
Verse 3
Limpia el camino de pajas
Que yo me quiero sentar
En aquel tronco que veo
Y así no puedo llegar
Before start playing, don’t forget to tune guitar.
Our score summarizes everything we just covered. You can download it for free to play the song Chan Chan chords by Compay Segundo on guitar.