Hello Dolly with chords
Part 1 of Hello Dolly on guitar
The first part has five chords that you will need to know to play Hello Dolly chords :
When you master those with your guitar, you can follow the next tab to play part 1 :
Remember that the chords are written above the lyrics so that you can play them at the right time. Therefore, it’s better to play while singing. Chords that are to the right of a phrase (not above a word) are played between the two phrases.
Part 2 of Hello Dolly with chords
For the second part, we keep the five chords of the first part and add six new ones.
Here are the news you need to know on guitar to play the second part of this Armstrong song :
When you master those chords and those of the first part, you can follow the next tab to play part 2 of Hello Dolly :
You can find all our Jazz guitar tab on Decibel Score and play famous standards like the one of Ellington It Don’t Mean a Thing.
Hello Dolly lyrics
The lyrics of the song Hello Dolly chords by Louis Armstrong are composed of two parts that are repeated several times.
The structure of the lyrics is simple:
Part 1 – Part 2
Part 1
Hello, Dolly !
This is Louis, Dolly !
It’s so nice to be back home where I belong
You are looking swell, Dolly
I can tell, Dolly
You’re still glowin’, you’re still crowin’
You’re still goin’ strong
Part 2
I feel the room swayin’
For the band’s playin’
One of my old fav’rite songs from ‘way back when
So, bridge that gap, fellas
Find me an empty lap, fellas
Dolly’ll never go away again
To improvise on Jazz song, you can try the Pentatonic Blues Scale.
Our score summarizes everything we just covered. You can download it for free to play the jazz song Hello Dolly chords from Jerry Herman by Louis Armstrong on guitar.